From your vision to your windsurfboard made out of wood! (Part 7)

From your vision to your windsurfboard made out of wood! (Part 7)

Plane it down.

So the glue is dried over night and now the deckplates are being planed. By hand of course.

Lots of work and lots of curls.

Now it is time for the nose. The nose is made out of thicker Paulownia to make to nose more sturdy.

Taking measurements. The tool is from my grandfather. It is a bit rusty but after sharpening it still is perfekt for a circle. At some point I have to restore it, but for now it is perfect as it is.

Planing the nose to the final outline.

The sceletton needs to get a little more sturdy as well. But also all the frames will be set to an right angle to the center rocker in this step. Again I like doing this step with zip ties. Reuseable and fast and strong enough for this step.

Watch out for the next part.

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